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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Promosi Terkini - 5 Usd Tanpa Deposit

No Deposit Bonus - Welcome Bonus


«Welcome bonus» - no deposit bonus service for new and registered clients!

The RoboForex Company is glad to present «Welcome bonus», a new no deposit bonus service which can be of a great help to beginner traders, and a good opportunity to try trading using real forex accounts at our Company!

Conditions of no deposit bonus «Welcome bonus» service are the following

  1. «Welcome bonus» is $5 (500 cents deposited to your account) and available for Fix-Cent & Pro-Cent cent accounts.
  2. A client can withdraw bonus from the account, if the total amount of the lots on his/her account is:

    - 100 microlots (1 standard lot) for Fix-Cent accounts;
    - 167 microlots (1.67 standard lot) for Pro-Cent accounts.

  3. The «Welcome bonus» bonus program has no limitations in Affiliate commission payments.

How to get no deposit «Welcome bonus»

  1. After the service is launched, every client, new or registered, can get «Welcome bonus» when opening a new trading account.
  2. Only one bonus account for each client is allowed to be opened. Our system excludes the possibility of fraud on trading accounts; however the Company reserves the right to cancel the delegated bonus in case the fraud takes place.

Conditions of operating no deposit bonus accounts:

  1. A client can withdraw bonus if the amount of the lots on his/her account meets the requirements for withdrawal from particular account type.
  2. Our clients can withdraw profit from bonus accounts.

    Example: You got 500 cents as a no deposit bonus. If your profit after trading is 250 cents, then, according to our conditions, you can withdraw 250 cents.
  3. A client can deposit bonus account with his/her own funds (in order to meet the requirements more quickly). In case of negative balance on the account, our policy is that a client loses his/her own funds in the first place.

    Example: You got 500 cents as a no deposit bonus and deposited your account with your own 1000 cents. If your profit after trading is -250 cents, then, according to our conditions, you can withdraw 750 cents, i.e. your own funds minus profit.

How «Welcome bonus» is deposited to your account

  1. When registering a new or an additional account in your Live Account, you need to choose Pro-Cent or Fix-Cent account and select “Get Welcome Bonus?”
  2. After the account is registered, you need to download MetaTrader 4 the trading terminal of the RoboForex Company and login entering the information sent to your email.
  3. After logging in, you need to double-click on «verify_client» to start the script (“Scripts” section of the trading terminal).

After the «verify_client» script is started, you will be notified that «Welcome bonus» has been successfully deposited to your account.

If you didn't get no depoit bonus - «Welcome bonus», please, contact Live Support.

Analisis EUR/USD - 1000 PAGI 02 FEB 2011

Type: Reversal
Relevance: Indecision
Prior Trend: N/A
Reliability: Medium
Confirmation: Required

High Wave is a type of candlestick characterized with either a very long upper or a lower shadow. It has only a short real body. A group of these patterns may signal a market turn.
Recognition Criteria:
1. The real body of the candlestick is small. Its color is not important.
2. Either the upper or the lower shadow, or both shadows are long.
Explanation: The High Wave just like long legged doji shows that there is a great amount of indecision in the market. This pattern is formed when prices trade well above and/or below the day's opening price, but then the price closes almost at the same level as the opening price. It means that the end result is not different from the initial open despite the whole excitement and volatility during the day. The pattern implies a loss of sense of direction and that there is a great amount of indecision in the market. A group of high wave candlesticks signal a possible reversal in the market.
Important Factors:
High Wave is especially important at tops.
High Wave is also a single candlestick pattern. Hence a confirmation is definitely required in the form of an opposite move to the prior trade on the next trading day in order to judge that a reversal may be starting.


Wave tinggi ialah sejenis kaki lilin disifatkan dengan salah  satu bayang lebih rendah atau sangat panjang atas. Ia hanya mempunyai satu jasad sebenar pendek. Sekumpulan corak-corak ini boleh memberi isyarat giliran pasaran

High Wave seperti berkaki panjang doji menunjukkan bahawa terdapat satu jumlah yang besar tidak dapat membuat keputusan dalam pasaran itu. Corak ini ditubuhkan apabila harga bertukar-tukar lebih daripada dan / atau di bawah harga pembukaan hari, tetapi harga tutup hampir pada setingkat sebagai harga pembukaan. Ia bererti itu hasil itu bukan berbeza dengan permulaan terbuka walaupun keghairahan keseluruhan dan kemeruapan sebelah siang. Corak menandakan satu kerugian rasa arah dan bahawa terdapat satu jumlah yang besar tidak dapat membuat keputusan dalam pasaran itu. Sekumpulan kaki lilin gelombang tinggi memberi isyarat satu kebalikan munasabah dalam pasaran itu.

Faktor Penting:

Wave tinggi terutamanya penting pada teratas.

Wave tinggi juga satu tunggal corak kaki lilin. Maka satu pengesahan pasti ada dikehendaki dalam borang itu satu bertentangan langkah bagi perdagangan sebelumnya pada itu hari perdagangan berikutnya supaya mengadili satu kebalikan itu boleh jadi bermula.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Komuniti Profitsokmo FX-Trader 2011

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera teman-teman Komuniti Profitsokmo FX yang sentiasa melawati blog saya ini, 2 tahun saya menyepikan diri TIDAK menganalisis dan berbincang di  blog saya ini. Tahun 2011 saya terpanggil untuk meneruskan semula perjuangan  diarena  Trader ini untuk My Komuniti....Detik-detik berlalu memburai pasir-pasir kenangan mewarnai lukisan hidup kita, membekas dan membentuk keperibadian dan kedewasaan kita. Warna-warna kehidupan inilah yang membentuk kacamata penilaian yang akan memberi input yang besar dalam hidup kita samada kita seorang berjiwa kental, berwawasan, bermotivasi dan bersemangat atau sebaliknya. Ya kita semakin hari semakin terdedah dan mengenali warna-warna kehidupan. Sinaran warna kehidupan yang kita jumpa dan terokai sebenarnya yang memandu arah dan membentuk persepsi kita terhadap segala apa yang berlaku. Justeru itu, peripentinganya kita memastikan agar kacamata yang kita pakai lahir dari acuan pengalaman hidup yang mantap dan hebat...Salam kemaafan  Ku dipintar !!!
Insakallah saya akan sambung lagi pelajaran kita mengenai forex dari masa ke semasa khasnya untuk ahli My  Komuniti Popitsokmo FX.  Al-Hamdulillah, insyaAllah bermula Feb ini, pihak admin akan memberi info berkaitan trend, pergerakkan, entry points, kegunaan lot, set TP terus di web ini. Panduan open locking sekiranya berlaku juga akan diberi di sini.

Diharap kepada semua rakan-rakan My Komuniti agar dapat refresh laman blog ini setiap 4 jam untuk memastikan tidak ketinggalan info yg dihantar. Info-info diupdate berdasarkan kepada pergerakkan dan keperluan semasa.

Semoga kita semua akan berjaya...aaamin ya robal alamin...
Untuk sama-sama renungi tip dan pertua orang yang berjaya.

 Apakah rahsianya orang yang berjaya?

"I have so many races, so much to do in every race, I have to keep
100 per cent focused. No matter how good, you have to force it out
of your head," -Michael Phelps

Maksudnya adalah:

-100% fokus
-Jangan fikir diri kita sudah bagus (penting ni)
-Bersaing dengan diri sendiri, dan bukan oran lain!

Walaupun kita rasa kita bagus tapi, sentiasa membaiki strategi adalah sesuatu yang kita perlu buat dari masa ke semasa, jangan rasa mudah berpuas hati.

"When someone says you can't do something, it shows that anything
is possible. When you put your mind to a certain thing, it can
happen. The biggest thing is nothing is impossible. All it takes is
an imagination."

Maju Bersama My Komuniti