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Thursday, August 28, 2008


Salam dan selamat sejahtera, apa khabar trader semua harap hari ini lebih baik dari semalam. Hari ini saya hendak dedahkan biar telondeh Anda semua, satu lagi teknik Forex Scapling teknikal analisis yang paling berahi - SEXY STOCHASTICS. Teknik SEXY STOCHASTICS saya ambil dari otai AS, Saya pun tidak tahu kenapa dinamakan tekniknya sebegitu menghairahkan...KALAU TEKNIK INI SESEXY....Anak Pontianak (Gambar Hiasan - Anak Pontianak Artis Malaysia) macam dalam gambar tu, kira o.k la broker pun cair beb...Harap-harap biarlah seghairah tu. Teknik ghairah ini masih peringkat kajian saya dan sekiranya boleh menghasil popit/profit seghairah namanya saya akan e-bookkan + Indicator + templet diblog saya ini. Jagan terlepas peluang pulak, rajin-rajin lawati blog ini...macam biasa download FREE...!!!

bringin sexy back - stochastics
like most people ive made money lost money always lookin for somethin that works bla bla blaaaaa were all really tired of talkin about that arent we?

well finally "found" somethin its actually the slingshot system by buffy or i think its called "bline" and i made my own version which is slightly a bit different from his template.

this works on any timeframe really. but i prefer either scalping it on the 5 min or 15 or 1h maybe 4h.

money management? thats up to u. my stops are discretionary and i look at previous highs or go for 10-15 pips if im trading 5min or 15 min it really depends on alot of stuff. but im sorry i cant help u there since ive done very well on counting on my experience when it comes to stops. same with targets. at least aim for the same as the stop u use. plus this system was made for nasdaq and SnP and its deff different from fxxxxxxx.

but this is not gonna be too worrying because im only gonna write and show the best trades. no reason to over trade and no reason to enter a half assed trade or one ur not too sure off. only look for the best best trades so that ur stop can be tight and u can secure an easy 25-30 pips a day on the 5 or 15 min. i can almost assure u theres a perfect trade everyday.

the setup:


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Bagaimana trading Anda saat ini? Apakah Anda mendapat keuntungan saat bertrading Forex dalam minggu ini? Atau masih tercari-cari rentak atau sudah loss !!!

Euro dalam 3 hari berturut-turut mengalami penurunan terhadap USD. Selain aksi spekulasi, hal ini juga disebabkan oleh jatuhnya kepercayaan bisnis di Jerman yang mengalami kemorosotan. Bukan hanya terdapat USD, EUR juga melemah dalam 2 hari terakhir terhadap Yen yang disebabkan oleh kerugian di pasar kredit. Perlambatan eksportnya akan menghentikan Bank Sentral Eropa dalam menaikkan suku bunga tahun ini.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

FOREX SCALPING “Teknik Imran Otai Trades For KuWait” eBook, Indicator, Templet - Klip Disini Untuk Donwload

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera, mohon kemaafan dari saya untuk anda semua yang setia melawati blog saya ini, dek kesibukan kelas face to face saya, saya tidak sempat nak poskan catatan analisis dan berbincang hal-hal yang berkaitan forex dengan anda semua. Di kesempatan waktu yang ada ini, saya berkongsikan dengan anda semua satu lagi teknik Tecknical Analisis yang digunakan oleh salah seorang otai dari negara KUWAIT- Said.
Said berkata :"Hello Everyone I am trading in GBP/JPY and other currencies using this Simple method for quite sometime now and its proven to be successful 90% of the times, the only times it has failed is when a spike up or down during news time, so i discourage anyone to stop using this 30 mins prior and after the news to escape from the whipsaws. This method was initially started for 1min charts but due to the majority of the members were on brokers whose spread was high, the time frame was changed to 5min . I am and was using this on 1min , 5min and 15min, so there are no changes of rules for any of the timeframes and same settings work for higher timeframes also and for any currency pair This method should work good on all pairs, but due to the high votality and movement, i love to work on this pair, gives very high Risk to Reward Ratio. I personally feel this works best from 7:00 GMT to about 20:00 GMT.

Untuk memahami bagaimana analisis technical digunakan oleh beliau, Anda boleh Donwload diperkara tajuk, Saya sertakan E-book, Indicator dan Templet..................Jika anda telah mampu menguasai ini, tentu saja mudah untuk mendapatkan profit. Sila guna akuan demo dulu. Sekian Terima Kasih-Maju Bersama-sama

Download free e-book, Indicator dan Templet ini Klik Di Perkara Tajuk Sebelah Atas